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People continue to travel--sometimes for hours--to hear about Jesus. Dr. Mike spoke at Babadorie, the mission's main church in Freetown. But revival didn't stop there. It moved to into the nights of Mitchem where Pastor Dauda shared his heart as he prayed for the people there.

There's such a hunger for the promises of Jesus. And the pastors share with abandon. Adults and children alike see their need for a savior. Pastor Dauda told of the saving grace of mercy that Jesus Christ had waiting for them. All they had to do was accept it. Upon hearing those words, one after another came forward to hear how to become a child of God.

The people who made Christ their savior

The people in Africa have little-to-no hope. but their lives change when they know the creator of the universe. Please, pray for our pastors ... our leaders ... and those making decisions to dedicate their lives to Jesus.

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Updated: Dec 31, 2018

What an incredible year 2018 has been. God continues to shower Freetown and the entire country of Sierra Leone with blessings. And New Beginning Baptist Church and Academy has flourished. We know you're praying. We see the hand of God moving in almost everything we do. Abdul Conteh conducted three camps in November with over 1.300 high school seniors. Almost 1,000 of them made a profession of faith. Incredible! This caused the angels to dance in heaven ... as they do when just one person accepts Christ as their savior. Property has been purchased in the city of Makeni for a new church. Construction for the church plus parsonage is planned to start in January. There will also be construction for the Bible Institute and the new Waterloo church building. It's amazing, the growth that's happening here. The Rawlings Foundation continues to walk side by site with our ministry. Mike had the privilege of preaching at the new building's first camp. The building holds nearly 1,000 students. What an honor to work with the people of Sierra Leone, telling them of the love of Jesus. Pictures (below) of New Beginnings Baptist Academy show a celebration of teachers and staff with families for a December 14th Carole Service. Candies ...and meals ... were handed out and all sang—young and not-so-young—about the birth of Jesus. Everyone had a good time.

As we turn the corner and enter 2019, we wait with great anticipation for what God has in store for the ministries of Sierra Leone. We now have four storage units full of school supplies (desks, chairs, etc.) to fill the spaces we have. We could use your help. We need approximately $4,500 to ship it from the states over. Please, if you can, help us with this need. And continue to pray for the Salt ad Light for Africa Ministries.

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November 11, 2018, Poppy Day, was a celebration of remembrance for all the soldiers who died making Sierra Leone free. Mike Peper was invited to speak to many dignitaries, including President Julius Maada Bio, president of the Republic of Sierra Leone. What an honor for this humble man of God to remind all that freedom of the spirit is available for all who believe in Jesus Christ. This was an epic event even covered by the State House Media and Communications. When you check out the pictures below, do you get a rush of awe? Jesus is at work in this country.


Mike and Abdul love the people in Sierra Leone and are dedicated to sharing Jesus' love for them. Continue to pray for Mike & Diane Peper and Abdul and Vicki Conteh, as they reach out to the souls of Freetown and other areas of Sierra Leone.

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