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Easter Sunday. He has risen!

Jesus beat death, and the Sierra Leone churches were eager to celebrate His resurrection. Four churches with Dr. Mike’s ministry (Goderich, Njagema, Adonkia ) celebrated this most holy day together in a combined service at the Metchem facility. The pastor from Goderich leading the service. Christian brothers and sisters worshiped shoulder to shoulder. Voices rose to the heavens. From Mike, Diane, and their ministry team ... may the love of our living savior fill your heart and your life with peace.

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Missionary life is always full of adventures.

The medical team who had planned to come to Sierra Leone in March had to cancel their trip—two members of their team became ill just prior to their departure. But all is not lost. We rescheduled their visit for January 2020. Having that bit of a hiccup caused us to think about this need. And there’s lots. If you have any doctors or nurses in your church, please share this opportunity with them. They will be ministering both spiritually and physically at the military hospital in Freetown. Not only will they see many come to know Christ, but many lives will be saved.

We have a praise to share. In February we told of our need for assistance in shipping a container. We had filled four large storage units with supplies for our schools, churches, the military hospital, and general ministry. We received $6,100 toward this project. We am truly grateful for the response. This will cover the cost of shipping and a good portion of the customs.

Please pray for our Easter services as well as the military seminar scheduled for the first week of June. This will be our seventh annual conference. We are expecting at least 600 participants from the military, police & fire force, metropolitan police, and correctional officers.

Last month our churches saw 101 professions of faith. We read in Luke 15:10 “… there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents." Thank you for your investment in our lives and the ministry of Sierra Leone.

In Christ,

Mike & Diane Peper

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February came and brought a whirlwind of servants. Pastor Tyson Wahl from Sayre, PA came with three of his members and conducted Youth Seminar for our churches while his people repaired our vehicles, put a roof on our Bible Institute building, and presented our school children with a VBS program. We had 178 present and 57 saved in VBS. During that week they were also involved with one of our youth camps and had 606 students present and 529 saved. Pastor Tyson preached at our Combined Church Service last Sunday and there were 637 adults and 423 children present where 108 were saved and 29 baptized. Thank you, Pastor Tyson, team, and church for all that you have done for this ministry.


Last week was the Annual Armed Forces week. The military asked me to lead them in a Re-dedication Service as well as participate in laying the wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was truly a wonderful experience in my life. In our churches last month there were 225 saved and 45 baptized. The total number of students attending the Rawlings Foundation camps for January and February were 3,762 and the total number saved was 2,750.


The students of three of our academies joined together for a yearly sports day. The parents, teachers, and children all enjoyed a fantastic time together.

We are always grateful for your support and prayers on behalf of this ministry. We rejoice at the continued blessings of God upon the ministry here in Sierra Leone.

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